Join our 10 chapter Journey…
The journey to find and hold our true nature is fraught with a modern environment that too easily distracts us from our brief and small successes. It feels like a tsunami at times, keeping us disoriented and overwhelmed. A book around which a series of podcasts gave us an idea.
A Healthy Group
We are on a journey in our universe. It matters not where we are on that journey, just that we are.
As humans we have the ability to design our own environments.
Our True Nature
We - Marilyn and Stefan, found that ‘Eckhart Tolle’s Book - A New Earth’ to have given words to a significant gateway that makes this journey deeper and more fulfilling. The journey to find our true nature. You, like us, may have found this gateway already, or you have heard about it. We have learned it is not a one-time event. It is something that takes practice. A practice that works better with others - we grow more quickly when we can share, support, and remind each other:)
We are inviting you to join us for 10 separate conversations - exploring each chapter - of Eckhart’s book.
You can choose ‘the how’ for each chapter, whether it be reading Eckhart’s book/ebook or listening to Oprah/Eckhart podcasts in car, watching them on YouTube in the comfort of your home. Whatever works best for you. For your convenience, we have organized and embedded the videos below.
Each conversation will be on a single chapter. We invite each participant to bring their big question from the chapter.
Each conversation will be held on Sunday @ 2pm via Zoom - Dates/links to be provided - plan for 2 hours for each session. Join to listen, question, clarify, and have fun being a part of an inspiring discussion).
Even if you are not ready to join our group, we encourage to give the videos below a try.
Watch the Video Interview Series Oprah has done with Eckhart exploring each chapter with the added bonus of caller questions.
Chapter 1
The Flowering of Human Consciousness.
"Seeing beauty in a flower could awaken humans, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of their own innermost being, their true nature."
Chapter 2
The Ego: The Current State of Humanity
Many of us have become identified with the incessant stream of mind and compulsive thinking.
Chapter 3
The Core of Ego
"Complaining is one of the ego's favorite strategies for strengthening itself. Every complaint is a little story the mind makes up that you completely believe in."
Chapter 4
Role-Playing: The Many Faces of the Ego
The ego will play some kind of role to get its needs met, and thrives on attention it gets from others. It doesn’t know that the source of all energy is within you, so it seeks it outside.