The Gross International Happiness Index

"On this first International Day of Happiness, let us reinforce our commitment to inclusive and sustainable human development and renew our pledge to help others.  When we contribute to the common good, we ourselves are enriched.  Compassion promotes happiness and will help build the future we want."  - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for the International Day of Happiness. 20 March 2013.

An article in The Toronto Star by Carol Goar on September 12, 2013 gives some context to the notion of the importance of happiness "the collective well-being of people" as an indicator of a country's progress.  The second World Happiness Report has just been released and the article provides some highlights of the findings which are pretty interesting.

I am personally fascinated by the coincidence of the launch of my book Twenty One Days to a Happy Heart within a day of the first International Day of Happiness.  I am grateful to be an active participant in such a worthy and important endeavour. [Russell]

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