
Most definitions of the word judgement suggest the examination of evidence to make a decision.  This is most clearly demonstrated in a legal environment where judges or juries have a responsibility to mete out justice based on the facts of the matter.

The word has other meanings which are best understood by adding modifiers or endings.  If we add an "al"  as in judgemental or "stand in" as stand in judgement, the meaning tilts towards "a way of making oneself feel better by hurting others" or "displaying an excessively harsh or critical point of view".

I like to see myself as a very accepting person until I monitor the 'judgements' or 'opinions' I have about people and things.  For example, I notice untidy yards in my neighbourhood and am likely to comment on them if there is someone within hearing or I make a mental note of it.  Is this an observation or a judgement?  The truth for me, since I value order and tidiness, is skewed towards a critical point of view.  The owner of the home is not necessarily hurt by my mental note, but whoever I made the comment to may now have a negative view of the neighbour.  

How many of these judgements do we make in a typical day about others and about ourselves?  Are they helpful or potentially hurtful?  How can we experience the world through observation, acceptance, and support rather than through judgement rooted in our early programming and natural self-centredness? [Russell]