When you're smiling the whole world smiles with you is a well known lyric. We all know it to be true. If you smile at a stranger anywhere in the world the odds are high that they will return the smile. Maybe it will brighten their day and the smile will be passed along. What has happened, nonetheless, is that some endorphins (happy drugs) have been produced naturally in the bodies of the smilers producing a happiness effect, however small it may be. This is a natural resource of incredible potential. Every one of us is capable of smiling a lot more than we do. So why don't we? Are there not enough things to smile about? Are we too preoccupied with the seriousness of life? Are we just not in the habit of smiling? I will smile spontaneously in a variety of situations. For business purposes it is a natural reflex since I like the people. Smiling at strangers is a choice. If I am preoccupied, I don't normally wear a smile. When I remember to smile, my preoccupation disappears and the magic happens.
Smiling works. I will remember to smile to improve the happiness of the world, my own included. [Russell]