Brian's Happy Story

It’s an interesting thing the “knock on” effects of doing [My Happy Heart Journal].

When I first started I thought let’s give me something to aim for so I’m looking to do this for the next 25 years

I’ve entitled it – Twenty One Days to a Happy Heart, A 25 year Journal starting May 2013 (age 58) and finishing May 2038 (age 84)

I figure it would also be a good thing for my kids to read (if they were remotely interested!) later in life or indeed when I’m gone

Some key things I’ve noticed;-

Writing this first thing in the morning (often quite early) gives me a clarity and pathway for the day that I haven’t had before.

It gives me the chance to think what is planned for the day.

Then I have the actual experience itself

Then when I write about it the next day, I have the chance to experience it a third time.

Also a number of things I put down, in particular from the “Brain Adventure” I then copy over to my diary/project planner as an actual  idea to put into effect

I’m enjoying doing the HHJ each day, I'm sure it’s making me a nicer person and more “attractive” to people as of course, people are drawn to happy people.

Thanks Brian