When my mind is turbulent, it is not the effective tool that it is designed to be. There is too much energy consumed by a multitude of thoughts which are not focused on an outcome and there is no space for input.
I was driving to a workshop last week that I would be leading. The Topic was The Innovation Life Cycle. I was listening to Metro Morning, a favourite radio program, and connected to an interview with a woman who had invented a headband which measures brain activity and reports it via an app on a smart device. Coincidentally, my mind was calm rather than consumed with rehearsal for the workshop and I immediately realized that I would not have heard the program had this not been the case. This was a big AHA in itself. The device promises to help reduce mind turbulence by measuring it. This makes total sense to me and I made a decision to check it out.
I have ordered the MUSE and will report my experience once it arrives. [Russell]