Choices in the fog of depression...

As one person who has felt the impact of depression both as a low level chronic state with bouts of acuteness, I was attracted to an article by Rosie DiManno in the Toronto Star - Assisted-suicide shouldn't be for those in the fog of depression: DiManno. 

The article opened me to a broader conversation about the imminent elimination on the ban in Canada to assisted suicide.  As a person who holds dear whatever freedom I can sustain in a world of increasing regulation, I lean toward gaining this particular freedom.  Until now, I have held a much narrower idea of terminal illness as the reason I would want the freedom of accessing assisted suicide. 

What I know is true from her article is that a person suffering from depression is not necessarily capable of making this crucial decision.  We do not yet know the criteria the government of whatever stripe (pending the outcome of this fall's election) will include or exclude in the legislation.  I would like to think that, whatever the state of my health, I would be able to make an informed decision.  What I do know to be true is that my idea right now about what I would do if faced with such a decision is purely theoretical.  I can only know what I will do when I am in it.  I truly hope not to be in it. [Russell]